Stepping Up to The Creator : Science - Space : The Null Set : Nothingness

hat new concept has Science firmly established within society? Space: The Null Set. Nothingness

#0. What does the conceptual framework of space have to offer us?
Space: A property of the universe that enables physical phenomena to be extended into three mutually perpendicular directions. In Newtonian physics, space, time, and matter are treated as quite separate entities. In Einsteinian physics, space and time are combined into a four-dimensional continuum (see space-time) and in the general theory of relativity matter is regarded as having an effect on space, causing it to curve.

Space-time: In Einstein’s concept of the physical universe, based on a system of geometry devised by H. Minkowski (1864-1909), space and time are regarded as entwined, so that two observers in relative motion could disagree regarding the simultaneity of distant events. In Minkowski’s geometry, an event is identified by a ‘world point’ in a four-dimensional continuum.
- Oxford Concise Science Dictionary, p. 678

These concepts may seem complex, so let’s simplify them. In essence, what is being described with the definitions of ‘space’ is that there exists a ‘place’ within which the physical items of mass and energy can be placed. Said another way, you think you exist. You think the universe, composed of the planet earth, the sun, the stars, the galaxies, and all the interesting ‘stuff’ such as black holes, comets, novas, light, exist also. The definition of space simply agrees and makes room for these things, creating a place within which these things can exist.

Why include a definition of space-time? This second definition is included because we had always thought of the universe being composed of matter, things you can touch such as wood, glass, plastic, and energy, things you cannot touch such as light, heat, magnetic fields. We had never been able to associate time as a property of matter and energy. Minkowski began dabbling with the mathematical ideas of geometry and Einstein began dabbling with the mathematical ideas of physics. What fell into place, at least with formulas and scribbles on paper, was the idea that the universe was not three dimensional, but rather four dimensional. Space now had length, height, depth, and time. Space, a theoretical location, was created within which a universe could be placed.

#1. What does the conceptual framework of space imply about the universe within which we live?
Space is emptiness. Space is a location for physical matter, energy, and time. Space is where the substance of our universe was put. Space is a void. But a void cannot be put inside a void. Therefore, space, a void, and the universe would appear to have been placed within ‘something.’

Sounds complicated, but the basic idea can be simplified. In the chapter on Set Theory - Venn Diagrams, a picture was drawn regarding the four choices from which we can pick in terms of where our universe was placed. These were choices because none of them could be proven as fact. Therefore, one has the option of choosing based upon simply a desire for one of the four, or one can choose based upon the information we have gathered as a species throughout our religious history of beliefs, our scientific history of observations, and our philosophical history of reason. The second option, choosing based upon concepts we have gathered as a species, is the most difficult. This trilogy just begins to validate the diagram of panentheism.

Let’s take a break and take the simpler option. The simpler option is to choose based upon which diagram is easiest to draw. At first glance, it would appear that the easiest choice would be to choose the most simplistic drawing: atheism. But atheism does not include a Causative Force. The drawing appears incomplete based upon what science and religion has told us. The second drawing, pantheism, is the most difficult to draw. The third drawing, classical/traditional theism, requires us to draw both the concepts of ‘inclusion’ and ‘exclusion.’ You are inside the universe but the universe is outside the Causative Force. Panentheism turns out to be the easiest to draw.

Panentheism continues the concept of inclusion and, thus, is the easiest to draw. Changing one’s philosophical perception from inclusion to exclusion is not only difficult, it raises more questions than it answers.

#2. How do the concepts of space reinforce the concept of panentheism?
Space, having to have a location, implies it is inside something which is exactly the definition of panentheism: all within the Causative Force.

Space having a location inside something is the easiest Venn diagram to draw in terms of ideas generated by the drawing. Space having a location inside something is reinforced by and reinforces Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, ontology, and the modern science of entropy, the Big Bang, symmetry, and set theory. As we shall see, we have just begun to explore the dynamics of panentheism, for it goes on to reinforce and be reinforced by topology, ecology, zoology, geology, and vast areas of philosophy.

Mathematics often refers to the whole as equal to the sum of its parts. The reason we have a problem understanding the whole of which the universe is a part may be due, to a large degree, to the idea we have of the universe being separate from a creator. Most of our religious, scientific, and philosophical ideas point us in the direction of the universe having a beginning. So understanding the concept of a Causative Force, for most of us, is not the problem. Understanding the idea regarding where space exists generates the problem.

Diagrams #1 & #2, atheism and pantheism, show a universe with an outside. They do not provide a description of what surrounds our universe. Diagram #3, classical/traditional theisms, have the same problem. Only diagram #4, panentheism, resolves this problem. This is not to say panentheism provides all the answers. Panentheism does not resolve the issue of what lies beyond the Causative Force within which the universe and the individual may lie. But panentheism does provide us with some answers and, in the future, entropy may give us even more answers.

The idea of space being created within the Causative Force is panentheism. The idea of creating space within the Causative Force reinforces the idea of panentheism. The idea of creating space outside the Causative Force contradicts the foundation upon which modern theims rest, the concept of an all present, omnipresent, force.

#3. What does space reinforce about the significance of existence, life?
The concept of space implies a location for the universe to exist. But just as it implies a location for the universe, it implies a location for itself.

A location for space is a different idea than a location for the universe. A location for the universe works from the edge of space inward. It creates a place into which we can put the heavenly bodies, matter, energy, and life. A location for space works from the edge of space outward. It creates a place into which space can be placed without time. Does this contradict the idea of symmetry? After all, symmetry implies the universe could have been created from nothing and nothing would seem to need no space since it was nothing. In this case, however, nothing is expanded into a form. Nothing is changed from an abstract form to a physical form. This form would require a location. But to build space, space must be placed somewhere.

What about life? Isn’t the essence of life awareness? What does space have to do with awareness? In the universal philosophy model of symbiotic panentheism, awareness needs a place, needs space to move around and explore, travel, journey, create. To constantly bump into, be submerged in, the all knowing leaves no ability to think creatively, for everything is already known. Therefore, awareness must get away from itself. One possibility is to open up an empty space within yourself. This space would have to be inside the Causative Force, for the Causative Force is omnipresent. Inside this space, emptiness and symmetry would be let loose to allow for the creation of matter, energy, anti-matter, and anti-energy.

To put it more simply, a Causative Force that is all present, omnipresent, could remain all present if She would create space within Herself. By creating space, She could get away from Herself and experience what She had never experienced before. Gaining experience, new knowledge, is a form of changing. It is learning and growing. Life becomes the means of doing so. Space allows for the characteristic of growth to be assigned to a Causative Force.

#4. How does space help us understand what life is?
Space is the idea which connects life, the universe, and the Causative Force. Life is located within the universe. The universe is located within space. Space is located within something. This something may very well have created the initiating force behind space and the universe that lies within space.

This something doesn’t need a name, but it is easier to talk about it if we give it a name. Since we are discussing an initiating force we may as well call it the Causative Force. And since we are discussing ‘birth,’ we may as well call ‘it’ a ‘She.’ Life created within a universe, a universe created within space, space created within what? Where is the universe? We come back to this question, for it appears to be the foundation of basic questions such as, why was the universe created? Where are we? Where is the universe located? This sense of location, this sense of belonging, gets at the very heart of the question, what is life? One cannot begin to understand what life is and how one is to behave until one begins to understand what the individual is and what the environment is that surrounds the individual.

We say our total universe lies outside the Causative Force, yet we believe the Causative Force is omnipresent. We contradict ourselves over and over. Religions constantly tell us we were made in the image of God, but we refuse to accept the Causative Force’s ability to do so in a perfect manner. Will we continue this process of contradiction by refusing to accept a perceptual shift of what we are? Life exists within the universe, which exists within space, which is inside its creator, inside the Causative Force. With this understanding, life would then have to be defined as a piece of the Causative Force.

If we accept the idea of the Causative Force being omnipresent as religions state, and if we accept the idea that space exists, we have little choice but to accept the idea that we exist within the Causative Force. If we accept this idea, we have little choice but to accept the idea that we are a part of the whole, we are a part of the Causative Force. If we accept the idea of being a part of the Causative Force, we have little choice but to accept the responsibility that goes along with it.

#5. What does space have to offer us as individuals?
Space offers us not only the recognition of being a part of the Causative Force, but the awesome responsibility that goes along with such a position.

Accepting ourselves as existing within a universe which is located within space which is located within the Causative Force, forces us to reevaluate ourselves and what we are. No longer can we look at ourselves as superior to others, for how could one piece of the Causative Force be worth more than another? Man, woman, black, yellow, physically handicapped, world Olympian, mentally retarded, intellectual, schizophrenic, mentally stable, mentally unstable, bashful, outgoing, short, tall, handsome, homely, rich, poor… what’s the difference? A piece of the Causative Force is a piece of the Causative Force.

If we accept ourselves as being a piece of the Causative Force, we would have little choice but to acknowledge the environment as being the place through which the Causative Force travels. The result of such a perception would require that we, as individuals, accept the environment as belonging to all others as well as ourselves. The environment would be viewed as a sacred place having a specific function to the Causative Force and would need to be treated as such.

Accepting ourselves as a piece of the Causative Force would require that we, as individuals, no longer abuse, subjugate, dominate, take actions which produces personal gain at the expense of others, force ourselves and our ideas upon others or intimidate others. These actions could no longer be tolerated. We would now have some understanding of the reason why this was not acceptable behavior, because it was not being done to ‘someone’ but rather to ‘something,’ and that thing would be none other than the Causative Force Herself.

Elevating our status to the level of becoming a part of the Causative Force is not ‘sugar and spice and everything nice.’ Being given the status of the Causative Force is an awesome responsibility. It requires us, as individuals, to set goals we know we cannot attain, spend our lives attempting to attain them, and then to find peace within ourselves knowing we did our best, even though we may not attain what we set out to do.

#6. What significance does space have to us as a species?
Space offers our species not only the recognition of being a part of the Causative Force, but the awesome responsibility that goes along with such a position.

Accepting our species as a part of the Causative Force requires that we, as a species, accept the concept that other species are also a part of the Causative Force. Each species has a purpose. As we traveled through history, we learned of the functions various species on our planet were to perform. As we find new species of life throughout space, we will need to be very careful how we define their function, for they are pieces of the Causative Force. Do we even have the right to define this function at all? Isn’t it the species itself that should define this function?

Accepting ourselves as a piece of the Causative Force requires that we, as a species, accept the environment as belonging to all species. The environment is a place within which the Causative Force travels within individuals. Regardless of which species the individual belongs to, the environment is as much theirs as ours, for they are pieces of the Causative Force.

Accepting our species as a piece of the Causative Force would require that we, as a species, accept other species in the heavens as being likewise. We would have the obligation of protecting other species from ourselves. We would have the obligation of preserving their journeys as we do our own. Intruding upon their cultures, traditions, beliefs, and customs would have to be examined very carefully. Imposing our belief systems, social behavior, primal drives, and motivations would be denying the new species we encountered the opportunity of following its own path and contributing its own uniqueness to the Causative Force.

Accepting our species as a piece of the Causative Force would require that we, as a species, honor the right of all species to develop unhampered. There will be many perplexing dilemmas we will have to face in terms of what ideals we support. We will need an understanding of what we stand for and why in order to deal with these dilemmas. A universal philosophy will help us decide what actions to take.

#7. What significance does space have to offer other life forms in the universe?
Space offers other life forms the same magnificence as it offers us. At the same time, it also places upon other life forms the same responsibility as it places upon us.

Accepting ourselves as a piece of the Causative Force would require that we, as individuals, no longer allow ourselves to be abused, hampered, subjugated, dominated, taken advantage of, and forced to accept principles and morals we object to. It means we, as individual life forms, no longer allow others to commit acts against us that go against our personal beliefs. It means that we, as individual life forms, not allow ourselves to be forced into being something we are not just because others try to force us. We would understand that we are all unique, we are all a part of something greater than ourselves. We would understand we are unique pieces of the Causative Force and have the right and obligation of standing up for our unique journey in life.

What does this have to do with other life forms? If we expect this type of attitude from ourselves, then we should not be surprised if we encountered the same type of attitude from other life forms we encounter in the heavens. This would mean we should expect to find major resistance confronting us should we decide to intimidate or force upon other life forms our particular way of thinking be it in the realms of religion, government, science, mysticism, logic, perceptions of purpose or philosophy.

Doesn’t this contradict the idea of a universal philosophy? No! No one knows what the ‘correct’ universal philosophy is and that is just the point. Other life forms will or should want to protect their own journeys and perceptions. If symbiotic panentheism should prove to be the universal philosophy we choose to follow because of the logic, knowledge, traditions, and religious aspects it is based upon, then we would have no choice but to respect the decisions of others to follow their own paths. In other words, we should not be surprised if other life forms violently resist any actions we take to subjugate and intimidate them. On the other hand, we have the obligation to vehemently resist if other life forms attempt to interfere with our unique journey through life.

#8. What does space imply about our significance in eternity?
Space implies a location; a location implies something exists beyond space. Time appears to be what we call a function of mass and energy. Once we remove mass and energy from the location of space, it would appear that time may disappear. Time may very well not be a characteristic of what remains. Eternity is the lack of time. Space provides the understanding we have of where time exists.

Time, eternity, mass, energy, existence, nonexistence, appear, disappear… It seems confusing. It is not intended to be; it just gets confusing the deeper we examine the details. Simply put, what we are saying is mathematicians and scientists think time exists. They think it is something that is connected to matter and energy. Our universe is immersed in the idea of time. Without matter and energy, scientists and mathematicians believe it is possible time would not exist. If there is no time, then there is either nothing left or there is eternity. Nothing left would suggest no awareness would exist. But can something that existed be totally destroyed in terms of having its presence eliminated? If the universe should dissolve away tomorrow, would the fact that it had existed also be totally dissolved or would the fact that it existed in some form always remain, since it had existed at one point?

Another way of saying this is, can the fact that you exist ever be erased from the total sum of awareness? Just because your body dies, do the accumulation of your experiences and impacts also die or do they become a part of total knowledge, all knowing, omniscience? If your awareness also dies as you die, then the all knowing is not all knowing, for it does not know what it is you experienced or learned. And if the all knowing does lose your knowledge and experiences, then it is not all knowing and, therefore, it is not omniscient.

If your experiences and knowledge do not become a part of the Causative Force, the Causative Force is not omniscient. Therefore, the only way the Causative Force could exist eternally, as an omniscient, all knowing being, would be if you are a part of the Causative Force. This would require that you, your awareness, your soul be tied but to eternity - not to time. You, your awareness, would seem to be a part of eternity.

#9. What does space imply about our relationship to the Causative Force?
Using Venn diagrams, pictures, we can see that under atheism, pantheism, and classical/traditional theisms, awareness enters nothing as it enters the universe. It is only under panentheism that the awareness enters something. Under panentheism, awareness enters the Causative Force and becomes part of the whole.

Space being the region within which our universe was bounded would imply our universe was inside a ‘container’ and you are inside the universe. Space would seem to be inside ‘something’ since it does not seem likely a void would be created within itself. It would seem that as the universe evolved and grew, so, too, would this form, this entity within which the universe was located.

Within all this creating, life forms could evolve and within life forms’ essence, awareness could be placed. This could allow awareness to travel away from itself, uninfluenced by Her total awareness which existed outside the universe. This could allow the small pieces of awareness to travel uninfluenced in its journey to create ‘newness.’ This could allow the total, the whole, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence to create without influencing Herself as She did so. Parts of the whole could get away from Herself in order not to influence this creation of newness. The whole would now have a means of removing parts of Herself from Herself without becoming less than the sum of Her parts, for all the parts would still be within the whole. Life would take on significance. It would appear life and the Causative Force were more than just aware of each other. It would appear the Causative Force and life were a part of each other, interdependent upon each other, existing in a symbiotic relationship.

If the universe is reducible to nothingness - space - and if space is nothing but a location, it can be reduced to nonexistence. That leaves only the abstract - awareness - to exist. If awareness continues beyond the eradication of all else, you and your awareness have no option but to remain eternally, as does everyone else’s awareness. Upon leaving the universe, you would have no option under panentheism but to become part of what it entered as it left the universe. Your awareness would become a part of whatever it was that surrounded the universe.
to the Causative Force?

Using Venn Diagrams, pictures, we can see that under atheism, pantheism, and classical/traditional theisms, awareness enters nothing as it exists the universe. It is only under panentheism that the awareness enters something. Under panentheism awareness, your awareness, enters the Causative Force and becomes a part of the whole.

Space being the region within which our universe was bounded
would imply our universe was inside a ‘container’ and you are inside the universe. Space in turn would seem to be inside ‘something’ since it does not seem likely a void, space, would be created within itself. This ‘something’. It would seem that as the universe evolved and grew so too would this ‘form’, this ‘entity’ within which the universe was located.

Within all this creating, life forms could evolve and within life forms (and possible within the non-life forms) essence, awareness could be placed. This could allow awareness to travel away from itself, uninfluenced by Her total awareness which existed outside the universe. This could allow the small pieces of awareness to travel uninfluenced in its journey to create ‘newness’. This in turn could allow the total, the whole, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence to create without influencing Herself as She did so. The result, parts of the whole could get away from Herself in order not to influence this creation of ‘newness’. The ‘whole’ would now have a means of removing parts of Herself from Herself without becoming less than the sum of Her parts, for all the parts would still be within the whole. Life would take on significance. It would appear life and the Causative Force were more than just aware of each other. It would appear the Causative Force and life were a part of each other, interdependent upon each other, existing in a ‘symbiotic relationship.

If the universe is reducible to nothingness, space, and if space is nothing but a location, it too can be reduced to nonexistence. That leaves only the abstract, awareness, to exist. If awareness continues beyond the eradication of all else, you, your awareness has no option but to remain eternally as does everyone else’s awareness. You, your awareness, upon leaving the universe would have no option under panentheism, but to become a part of what it entered as it left the universe. Your awareness would become a part of the whatever it was that surrounded the universe.

Conclusion: How do the concepts of space reinforce the concept of symbiotic panentheism?
An Einsteinian space took on an appearance of curving, and curving implied a directional change, even if only from the viewpoint of the observer. The directional change, curving of space, implied the possible existence of a limit, a boundary. A boundary, in turn, implied an outside, which implied the universe was not the outer limits of our ability to think. A boundary opened up the ability for the creative side of humanity to start thinking in terms of what lies beyond the universe. This creative side brings us back to religion.

The problem of the universe lying outside the Causative Force, rather than within the Causative Force, forces us to try to visualize what lies in the emptiness between our universe and the Causative Force. When we try to visualize this space, we had to draw a picture of classical/traditional theism. This picture, a dot in a circle located outside of a box, placed both you and the universe outside the box. At this point, we became confused as to what lies between the circle (the universe) and the box (the Causative Force). With diagram #4, the confusion goes away. Panentheism resolves the paradox of a Causative Force being considered as all present, omnipresent, yet not including the universe. Panentheism resolves the issue of how a Causative Force could be omnipresent, yet not necessarily be ‘within’ the universe. Panentheism also resolves the issue of dissolving universes, yet leaves the Causative Force intact. And it resolves the issue of imperfection being within a ‘perfect’ being.

Symbiotic panentheism may sound simple enough, but it would not be an easy task. This concept presents many challenging dilemmas in terms of standing up for and protecting our own rights to travel uninhibited and doing likewise for other species. How and when, for instance, do we resist life forms who are intimidating, subjugating, forcing themselves upon others in the heavens? How do we protect the journeys of the weaker without interfering with the journeys of the strong?