Cross Reference Guide & Index : Index



concept, III:241
existence, III:245
life forms, III:249
panentheism, III:244, 252
significance of Humankind, III:250, 251
significance, III:242
species, III:248
understanding life, III:246
Universe, III:243
what it has to offer us, III:247

acceptance, II:202, 206-207
acting responsibly, III:68
adoption, II:52, 72, 86, 90
advantages for Humankind, II:37, 90
all present Causative Force, III:73
basic concepts, II:16
beginnings, II:145
being part of the whole, III:199-201
Causative Force, III:137, 140-143
changing our perception, II:157
closer to truth, II:194
concept not easily accepted, II:156
concept of equality, II:191-192
concept of God, II:11
creating radical change, II:174
destroying rationale for abuse, II:156
ecological niche, III:232, 240
effects of Humankind’s behavior, III:68
emerging philosophy, II:155
ending war, II:12
entropy, III:160, 163
foundation for religions, III:44, 52
Hinduism, III:32, 34, 37
homo-, III:264
humanity and the soul, II:26
Humankind and Causative Force, III:72
Humankind’s significance within, II:91
leads Humankind to understanding, II:38
life forms, III:145
logic, II:193
maintaining, II:79
modifying present perceptions, III:138
omnipresence, III:137, 140-141, 180
our species, III:144
palaeomagnetism, III:244, 252
parallel Universes, II:92
pervading society, II:211
philosophical perception, II:48, 155
placing responsibility upon life, III:117
providing hope III:202
providing understanding of reality, II:43
radical change within society, II:211
reality existing within God, II:155
reinforced by Buddhism, III:56
reinforced by Hinduism, III:40
reinforced by ontology, III:92
reinforcing Buddhism, III:64
reinforcing ontology, III:100
reinforcing religion, science and philosophy, III:204
reinforcing science, III:112
rejected by society, II:206
rejecting inferiority, II:196
relationship of Humankind to Causative Force, III:147
relationship of symmetry, III:184
relationship to Causative Force, III:76
relationship to atheism, III:116
relationship to homo-, III:256
relationship to Islamic teaching, III:88
relationship to science, III:104
relationship to set theory, III:196, 203-204
relationship to theism and pantheism, II:159
relationship with Islamic teaching, III:80
religions, III:142-143
resolving paradoxes of religions, III:144
responsibility for actions, III:146
seeds, II:204-205
set theory and understanding, III:194-195
significance of Humankind, III:146
simple yet complex, II:42, 186, 207, 211
size and significance of Causative Force, III:76
soul, III:147
stepping into the heavens, II:28
symbiosis, III:268, 276
symmetry, III:192
The Big Bang, III:180
theism supporting and reinforcing, III:128
topology, III:220, 228
understanding of purpose, II:103
understanding the Universe, III:139
universal philosophy, II:30
universal tolerance, II:27
what it has to offer III:138
what it says, II:186

choosing, II:72
continuing present beliefs, II:86
inclusive philosophy, III:207
relationship to panentheism, II:159, 194
relationship to set theory, III:196, 203-204
relationship to theism, II:159
what it to offer us, III:114

Mankind’s creation and perpetuation, I:110
omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, I:109
religions, III:148

being visionaries, II:137
elevated to the level of God, II:205
empowerment through a new perspective, II:22
finding purpose in reality, II:16
gaining knowledge of true value and importance, II:138
piece of God, II:48
purpose in reality, II:20

finding responses to the Ripple Effect, I:81
I think, therefore I am, I:45
questioning our place in the Universe, I:43
time, I:45

adapting to true significance, II:41
application of abstract concepts, III:218
battle of perception, II:25
benefits of panentheism, II:37
concept of panentheism, II:11
concept of theism, II:11
failure to change perspective, II:61
limits of theism, II:37
linear, I:37
panentheism, II:48
problems with theism, II:31
quadratic vs. linear, I:29, 35, 37
repression, III:255
right, I:38
simplicity of panentheism, II:42
subject of reason, II:5
understanding, I:100

Philosophy, Religion, Science
effects on society, III:297
existence within the Universe, III:301
helping us to understand life, III:302
Humankind’s relationship to Causative Force, III:307
Humankind’s significance, III:306
importance of panentheism, III:300
life within the Universe, III:301
purpose within the Universe, III:299
significance within the Universe, III:299
what they have to offer other life forms, III:305
what they offer the individual, III:303
what they offer us as a species, III:298, 304

Philosophy, the
absence of punishment, I:261
accepting assumptions, I:362
basic beliefs, I:240
equality of religions, I:287
establishing a foundation to build upon, I:154
foundation for religion, I:261, 355
fundamental beliefs, I:353
helping victims, I:273
impact on society, I:120, II:168
insights, I:170
Judas and forgiveness, I:154
Judas, I:152, 154
Mankind’s purpose, I:148
not a religion, I:169
principles, II:185, 186
providing foundation, I:155, 373
putting it to the test, I:119
reevaluating social norms, I:275
respect for other beliefs, I:287
responsibility and the soul, I:174, 275
Ripple Effect, I:240
seven basic concepts, I:121
supports religions, I:361
understanding who Man is, I:154
what it teaches, I:155

relationship to philosophy and religion, I:57
symmetry and the Universe, I:72

pillar of society, I:182

absence of choice, III:63

Buddhism and Wheel of Dharma, III:418-419
change necessary in order to prevent catastrophe, III:411, 413, 419, 422
Christian concept of unconditional love, III:419
extinction of life, III:414
geological evidence of change, III:414
Humankind’s purpose, III:411
humbling effect of the third millennium, III:413
Mayan calendar, III:416
necessity for change within society, III:423
necessity to define purpose, III:413, 419
necessity to elevate the individual, III:412
Nostradamus, III:421
Papal, III:420
predicting setback for Humankind, III:411
preparing for the future, III:423
purpose of the Great Pyramid, III:415
Revelations, III:419
significance of the Hopi, III:417

historical conflict, I:100

Man put in the Universe for a reason, I:79
Mankind, I:73, 36
soul, I:43

complete picture emerges, I:44
drawing the pieces together, I:47
keeping apart, creating uncertainty, I:43
Man putting the pieces together, I:43
next for Mankind, I:43
purpose of life, I:43
putting together to make a complete thought, I:43
universal philosophy, I:44


Qing, Ai
quote, I:251

building block of Universe, II:49

is our time at hand?, I:185
is religion significant or necessary?, I:161, 189
is there a heaven and hell?, I:161
is there hope for Mankind?, I:185
is there hope for me as an individual?, I:161
what is my purpose in life?, I:50, 143-144, 173
where did I come from?, I:173
where will I be going after life?, I:173
who am I?, I:143-144, 173
why are we here?, I:50
why do people suffer?, I:195
why the gender wars?, I:199
why the racism?, I:199
why?, I:50, 173

Buddha, I:43
Burke, Edmund, I:281
Burns, Robert, I:139
Chuang-Tzu, I:199
Confucius, I:239
Dylan, Bob, I:147
Elliott, George, I:63
Hikmet, Nazim, I:259
Hur Shi, I:35
Ibsen, Henrik, I:91
Japanese proverb, I:271
King, Martin Luther, I:79
Lao-Tzu, I:71
Lippmann, Walter, I:99
Longfellow, Henry W, I:119, 221
Mahapurana, I:25
Mohammed, I:161, 333
Naguib, Mohammed, I:189
Nietzche, Friedrich Wilhelm, I:367
Qing, AI, I:251
Renan, Ernest, I:361
Romans, I:341
Santayana, George, I:231
Shakespeare, William, I:315
Spinoza, Benedict, I:327
St. Mark, I:55
Tennyson, Alfred North, I:109
Vovelananda, I:351
Washington, Booker T., I:179


perception of exploitation, II:189

Causative Force, III:35
exploration by science, II:59
God created, I:26
God travelling, II:80
Humankind’s purpose within, II:5
limit imposed by a bounded Universe, I:71
significance of Humankind, II:50
time frame of existence, II:42

Reason and Experience
effects upon society, III:369
Humankind’s significance, III:379
meaning and purpose of life, III:374
reinforcing significance of existence, III:373
reinforcing significance of life, III:373
significance for panentheism, III:372
significance of Humankind, III:378
understanding the Universe, III:371
understanding what we see, III:370
what it can offer other life forms, III:377
what it can offer us as a species, III:376
what it can offer us as individuals, III:370, 375

acceptance of God, II:59
adapting to true significance, II:41
application of abstract concepts, III:218
atheistic beliefs, I:232-233
battle of perception, II:25
belief in eternity, III:62
belief in the soul, III:225
Causative Force and equilibrium, III:171-172
changing perceptions, III:172
Christian concept of love, III:66
Christianity and the judgement of Judas, I:148
Christianity, I:351
concept of an eternal soul, III:250
concept of omnipresence, III:127
contradictions and their resolution, I:35, II:4
contradictions, continues to struggle with, I:49
cooperation, I:49
creed, does it matter?, I:83
customs, I:28
defining purpose, I:358
dismantling, III:135
doctrines, I:44
does it have significance?, I:189
examine and answer the questions, I:46
heaven and hell, I:333
Hinduism, III:33-35
importance, I:316
inner peace, I:28
institutions shunning companion in reality, II:151
issue of abortion, II:13
losing, I:46
modernizing, I:49
modification, II:97
moral judgements, II:4
myths, I:190-191
necessity for change, I:149, II:57
necessity to begin self-introspection, II:161
non-acceptance of other life forms, I:46
omniscience of Causative Force, III:110
organizations made up of people, I:149
panentheism providing foundation, III:52
panentheism resolving paradoxes, III:144
panentheism, III:142-143
paradoxes in their beliefs, III:92, 110, 127, 148, 179
portrayal of God, I:342
providing direction and guidance, I:173
refusal to change perspective, II:61
rejecting a companion in reality, II:149
relationship with atheism, I:231
relationship with science, III:103
revolutionize our, I:28
Ripple Effect, I:82
sanctuary for souls, I:83
serving Humankind, II:150
society - myths, I:191
source of inner-peace, I:83
stagnation of perspective, II:55
subject of faith, II:5
supported by panentheism, III:44
supporting panentheism, III:128
‘the Philosophy’ provides a foundation, I:155
tolerance, I:28
understanding, I:100, III:219
variations, I:28

pillar of society, I:182
status and position within society, I:222

Renaissance Philosophy
Causative Force, III:367
effects upon society, III:357
helping us to understand life, III:362
Humankind, III:367
relationship to panentheism, III:360
significance of existence, III:361
significance of Humankind, III:366
Universe, III:359
what it can offer other life forms, III:365
what it can offer us, III:258, 363-364

Renan, Ernest
quote, I:361

controversial, II:189

accepting, I:169, II:166
benefits, III:275
need for within society, I:85
understanding, III:275

Ripple Effect
accepting responsibilities, I:79, 84
afterlife, I:163
consequences of our actions, I:74, 163, III:58
consequences of punishment, I:262
hedonism, I:79
infinite implications, I:80
punishment and consequences, I:346
religion, I:79
shouldering responsibility, I:81
small and great consequences, I:80
society, I:142, 162
struggle with life, II:184
understanding purpose of life, II:164

Roe vs. Wade
definition of life, II:7

quote, I:341

death of 500,000, I:140


Santayana, George
quote, I:231

mentoring and educating, II:21

Causative Force, III:102
concept of ‘om’, II:68
concept of a bounded Universe, III:114
developing new technologies, II:40
discoveries in year 2200, II:35
expansion of present knowledge, I:101
exploration of reality, II:59
finding outer limits of Universe, II:34
Humankind, III:102
influence upon society, II:169
knowledge and destruction, I:100
nature of time and space, II:44
reinforcing concept of panentheism, III:104
reinforcing life, III:105
reinforcing religion, III:103
significance of Causative Force, III:112
significance of Humankind to Causative Force, III:108
significance of Humankind, III:110-111
significance of other life forms, III:109
significant influence on society, III:50
understanding Humankind’s origins, III:107
understanding life, III:106
understanding our species, III:108
understanding our Universe, III:103
understanding, I:100
understanding, III:219
what it can offer the individual, III:107
within society, III:101

study of Humankind, II:14

Set Theory
Causative Force III:203
established within society, III:193
leading to a universal philosophy, III:196
reinforcing significance of existence, III:197-198
reinforcing symbiotic panentheism III:204
relationship to atheism, III:196, 203-204
relationship to panentheism, III:196, 203-204
relationship to pantheism, III:196, 203-204
relationship to theism, III:196, 203-204
seeing the significance of life, III:197-198
significance of Humankind, III:202
understanding panentheism, III:194-198

Shakespeare, William
pillar of society, I:182
quote, I:315

theism and existence, III:136

Social Institutions
absence of free will, II:197
abuses, II:206
directives imposed upon, II:197
tragedy, II:203

Social Systems
dismantling, III:135

abortion and the soul, I:243
absence of free will in institutions, II:197
absence of moral guidance, II:2
atheism established within, III:113
atheistic beliefs, I:232
based upon equality, II:97
behavior, II:15
can it change?, II:210
capital punishment, I:259, 263-264
changes, I:29
crimes, I:141
debt, I:259
definitions of life and death, II:10
destructive behavior of, I:142
directives imposed, II:197
effects of Buddhism, III:53-54
effects of entropy, III:181
effects of Hinduism, III:29
effects of Judaism, III:41
effects of mass media, I:173
effects of science within, III:157
effects of symbiotic panentheism, III:393
elimination of status, I:223
establishing a purpose, I:275
helping victims of domestic violence, II:199-200
influence of mass media, I:171
influence of ontology, III:89
influence of science, III:101
influence of set theory, III:193
information overload, I:284
intolerance, racism, pornography, I:85
Islam and justice, III:78
issue of abortion, II:13
law, II:2
life incarceration, I:259, 263-264
Mankind’s conceptions of position and status, I:221
missionary work, I:281
moral and legal contradictions, II:3
myths - positive and negative effects, I:189
necessity for care, II:200
necessity for status - right or wrong?, I:223
panentheism, II:211
radical changes, II:211
responsibility, I:85
role of police, judges, juries, I:272
role of the elite, II:15
science, III:217
self-righteousness, II:197
significance of palaeomagnetism, III:241
significance of science, III:50
status and position of Caesar, I:222
status and position of Confucius, I:225
status and position of Edison, I:225
status and position of Ghandi, I:225
status and position of Moses, I:225
status and position of Nostradamus, I:222
status and position of Rembrandt, I:222
status and position of Tolstoy, I:225
status and position of Van Gogh, I:225
status and position, I:199
strengthening structure, II:79
tolerance, I:84
violence, II:78, 196
war and the soul, I:241
with panentheism, II:206
without panentheism, II:206

accepting responsibility, I:329
accomplishing its journey, III:88
brothers in shared belief, I:26
contradictions, I:35
contributing to reality, I:184
damaged in its journey through life, I:277
damaging other souls, I:272
destruction of the Universe, III:139
essence of Humankind, II:30
essence of life, III:225
existing in eternity, III:80, 82
fragmented, I:288
God and, I:228, 320
growing in knowledge and experience, I:65
haunting, I:36
Humankind, II:26
importance and function, II:190
imposing limits, I:193
journey, II:117, 170
location, I:45
Mankind’s interference with purpose, I:203
mercy and God, II:4
missionary work, I:282
origin, I:322
panentheism, III:147
piece of God, I:282
potential in eternity, III:46
purpose in reality, II:116
quest of fulfillment, I:316
returning to Causative Force, III:187
seeking its home, I:84
significance to Causative Force, III:96
status, I:227, II:142
suicide and the Ripple Effect, I:252-254
transcending this reality, I:94
value and importance, I:194
war and abortion, I:239
war, I:241
who man really is, I:199

Causative Force, III:208
exploration, II:94
Humankind and Causative Force, III:215
life forms, III:213
nature and structure, III:206
reinforcing life, III:209-210
relationship to panentheism, III:208
relationship to symbiotic panentheism, III:216
significance of Humankind, III:214
society, III:205
space-time, III:206
Universe, III:207
weapons and space fleets, II:36
what it has to offer us as a species, III:212
what it has to offer us as individuals, III:206, 211

Space time continuum
Universe as multitude of laboratories, I:91

entropy, III:164
homo-, III:260
knowledge, I:28
Mankind increasing significance, I:73
Mankind not replaceable, I:73
palaeomagnetism, III:248
symbiosis, III:272
symmetry, III:188
topology, III:224

Spinoza, Benedict
quote, I:327

St. Mark

quote, I:55

Stalin, Joseph
World War II and, I:139

consequences of atheistic beliefs, III:120

awareness in eternity, III:81-82
Buddhist intolerance, III:91
consequences for Causative Force, III:62
consequences for Humankind, III:62
eliminating, III:55-57, 60-61, 83-84
within society, III:54

afterlife, I:252
consequences for the soul, I:252, 254
despair and suffering, I:251
Ripple Effect, I:253

Causative Force, III:266, 275
life forms, III:273
panentheism, III:268
significance in eternity, III:274
significance of existence, III:269-270
significance of individuals, III:271
society, III:265
species, III:272
symbiotic panentheism, III:276
Universe, III:267

Symbiotic Panentheism

a model of a unified view, III:394
defining life, III:398
effects within society, III:393
existence within the Universe, III:396
importance and significance of life, III:397
importance of free will, III:396, 402
importance of Humankind to Causative Force, III:403
model of a universal philosophy, III:404
nature of the Universe, III:395
philosophy and life, III:398
significance of Humankind, III:402
what it can offer other life forms, III:401
what it can offer us as a species, III:394, 400
what it can offer us as individuals, III:399

Causative Force, III:191
consequences for Humankind, III:182
creation of the Universe, III:183
destruction of matter and anti-matter, I:56
established within society, III:181
other life forms, III:189
reinforcing existence, III:185
reinforcing panentheism, III:184
significance of Humankind, III:190
symbiotic panentheism, III:192
understanding life, III:186
understanding Universe, III:183, 187
what it has to offer our species?, III:188
what it has to offer the individual, III:187


T’ao Chi’ ien
pillar of society, I:182

effects upon society, III:321
helping us to understand life, III:326
Humankind’s significance in eternity, III:330
Humankind’s significance to Causative Force, III:331
implications for our Universe, III:323
relationship to panentheism, III:324
significance of life and existence, III:325
what it can offer other life forms, III:329
what it can offer us as a species, III:322, 328
what it can offer us as individuals, III:327

Tennyson, Alfred North
quote, I:109

Causative Force, III:136
concept of God, II:11
continuing present beliefs, II:86
continuing to accept, II:72
disadvantages for Humankind, II:37
eliminating, II:31
existence in eternity, III:129
God and the world, III:135
Humankind, III:134
importance of life, III:130-131
life forms, III:133
limits, II:194
omnipresence, III:125-126
paradoxes, III:208
reinforcing life, III:129
relationship to God, II:66, 69
relationship to panentheism, II:159
relationship to pantheism, II:159
relationship to set theory, III:196, 203-204
significance of existence, III:136
significance, III:134
Universe and existence, III:127
what it can offer our species, III:132

quadratic vs. linear, I:38

relationship to reality, II:44

limits, I:101
Mankind, I:28, 113

Tolstoy, Leo
status and position within society, I:225

applied to philosophy, III:218
applied to religion, III:218
creation of the Universe, III:226
existence of time, III:227
helping us to understand life, III:222
life forms, III:225
panentheism, III:220
significance of existence, III:221
significance of life, III:226-227
species, III:224
symbiotic panentheism, III:228
universal truths, III:223
Universe, III:219
what does it have to offer us?, III:218

removing the myths, I:25